Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fagin's Hike of the Week- Bandera Mountain

Updated 12-2-2015
This was hiked 11-29-2015. Since then about 4 inches of new snow at 3000-3500. So no snowshoes needed but traction for your boots strongly suggested. You can always just hike to the junction of Bandera and Mason Lake. Best to do hike today as more new snow is forecasted for this Wednesday night. 

Hike is off of I-90 west of Snoq Pass and is a good workout. .

@ Top Brian & Frank (dog next to him) and Bartlett (dog below)@ Matt Weltner
Some snow on the way up
McClellan Butte view from the top

Mike Samoya- crossing creek
View of the Olympics on the way up
Driving Directions: From Seattle drive east on I-90 to exit 45 (Forest Road 9030). Drive north, then stay left on FR 9030. About 1 mile from the freeway, stay left again, now on Mason Lake Road (FR 9031). At about 3.9 miles from the freeway, park..

Trail Stats: At about 3 miles fork to left goes to Mason Lake we take fork north and uphill. To the top is about 3.7 miles or total miles is 7.4 mile roundtrip and 3000 foot gain.

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Disclaimer: There are many factors which you should consider in deciding whether to proceed with an outing, including the visible weather at the trailhead, the strength and experience of the party, snow and avalanche conditions, route conditions, etc. You are the final decision maker whether to proceed. West Coast Weather, LLC dba Washington Online Weather cannot be held liable for loss or injury arising from your decision to proceed, and expressly disclaims all liability related thereto. Redmond, Washington USA. Also, please bring map-compass and GPS to help with trail directions as our directions are our best estimate.

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